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  • Domestic U.S. coverage for incidents occurring in U.S., as well as for worldwide claims brought in U.S.
  • Option to include worldwide coverage for claims brought outside U.S. against U.S company, its foreign operation or designated foreign suppliers
  • Simplified risk management process for foreign suppliers eliminates review process for valid certificates of insurance from foreign suppliers
  • Single insurance company provides global primary product liability coverage for U.S. companies and their foreign supplier.
  • Single streamlined application for domestic and international coverage
  • Single global solution with coordinated policy issuance
  • Robust global network in more than 170 countries, skilled in effective multinational program execution, including underwriting, claims, risk control, efficient premium cessions and servicing

Coverages & Services

  • Domestic U.S. Primary and Excess Coverage
  • International Coverage
  • ESIS® Third Party Administered Claim and Risk Control Services

Domestic U.S. Primary and Excess Coverage

  • Primary ISO 2007 Products-Completed Operations form
  • Program structure options: guaranteed cost, deductibles, self insured retentions and fronted captive basis
  • Non-admitted basis to provide freedom of rate and form
  • Occurrence or claims made basis
  • U.S. distributor listed as first named insured on policy;
  • Each designated foreign supplier added individually to policy as additional insured
  • Differentiated rates provided by product category
  • Up to a three year extension of coverage for U.S. distributor for discontinued suppliers
  • General Aggregates available on per supplier basis, subject to policy level cap
  • Option to add suppliers throughout policy term (subject to underwriting criteria and acceptance)
  • Catastrophe Management coverage extension available
  • Zero collateral required for deductible policies for qualified insureds

International Coverage

  • Program structure can match domestic U.S. coverage grants and structure
  • Option for contingent coverage
  • Worldwide suits coverage available via endorsement to domestic U.S. policy (coverage for claims that occur anywhere in the world and suits brought both in the U.S. and overseas, where available and permissible by law)
  • Option for global coverage for subsidiaries on an excess DIC basis, or on an in-country basis through placement of local Chubb policies in foreign countries.

ESIS® Third Party Administered Claim and Risk Control Services

  • Claim handling on self insured retention can be provided by Chubb claim service affiliate, ESIS, Inc., another acceptable TPA, or self administered, subject to the provisions of the policy. All deductible policies are quoted utilizing Chubb USA claims handling
  • Domestic U.S. and international risk control services available, provided and coordinated by ESIS globe staff and affiliates

Minimums & Limits

Minimum Premium

  • for U.S. coverage: $50,000


  • U.S. coverage: primary limits up to $5 million occurrence / $10 million aggregate with excess limits available
  • Foreign coverage option: primary up to $2 million per occurrence / $4 million aggregate
  • General aggregates available on a per supplier basis subject to underwriting review

Target Client

U.S. based companies of all revenue sizes, including:

  • Distributors
  • Importers
  • Manufacturers that source components outside the U.S.
  • Retailers
  • Wholesalers

Restricted Industries

  • Critical aircraft or auto parts manufacturers & complete vehicle manufacturers
  • Invasive medical products manufacturers (defined as implanted in the body for more than 15 days)
  • Pharmaceutical, nutraceutical or herbal supplement manufacturers
  • Tobacco products manufacturers

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