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Contractors who perform work within 50-feet of any railroad-owned property are required to have Railroad Protective Liability insurance. The coverage is project specific and covers bodily injury and property damage arising from acts or omissions relating to job-site operations being performed by the designated contractor.

Coverage Highlights


  • Admitted paper in all 50 states
  • 24/7 rail claims services
  • Available on an occurrence basis:
  • Policy periods that span from the project start to end date (5 year maximum)


  • Railroad contractors & excursion operations minimum deductible of $5,000


  • Typical coverage limits are $2 million each occurrence/$6 million aggregate or $5 million each occurrence/$10 million aggregate
    • Up to $25 million in total capacity

Client Profile

Our typical clients include:

  • Railroad Contractors
  • Railcar Lessors & Lessees
  • Suppliers
  • Shortline Railroads
  • Regional Railroads
  • Rail Service Companies
  • Tourist & Excursion Rail Operations
  • Rail Car/Locomotive & Parts Manufacturers
  • Track Owners


RAA-1000 (03-13) Railroad Protective Liability
RRA-3000 (03-13) Primary Commercial Liability
RRA-4000 (03-13) Primary Railroad Liability
RAA-2000 (03-13) Museum and Other Organizations
RAA-3000B (03-13) Railroad Contractors Supplemental
RAA-5000 (03-13) Excursion Railroad Liability

We use both ISO and proprietary forms.

Chubb Westchester will accept ACORD, ISO and Chubb applications as a risk submission. Depending upon the complexity of the risk or specific coverage issues, additional information may be required.

Chubb Tracks is offered through contracted wholesale brokers and approved retail brokers.

Send submissions to: railroad@chubb.com


Useful Resources