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We focus on renewable energy exposure occurring throughout the business cycle, from manufacturing to operations and maintenance. Our packaged solutions provide comprehensive, multi-line protection for the full scope of renewable energy operations.


  • Primary General Liability
    • Occurrence or claims made basis
    • ISO policy forms
    • Guaranteed cost and deductible policies include ACE USA claim handling
    • Options for first dollar/guaranteed cost, deductibles or self-insured retention
    • Time element pollution coverage available, including sudden and accidental BI/PD with remediation expense coverage
  • Primary Commercial Automobile
    • Coverage written on an admitted basis, using 2006 ISO policy form
    • Liability and physical damage coverage available
    • Hired and non-owned coverage only available
  • Property / Machinery Breakdown / Inland Marine
    • All risk and admitted coverage
    • Dedicated underwriting expertise
    • Comprehensive coverage including Business Income and Delay in Start Up
    • California Earthquake and Flood limits available
    • Loss control services, including expertise in LEED Building
    • Certification and Green Building requirements
  • Lead Umbrella
    • Follow form time element pollution coverage available
    • Schedule of underlying insurance can include employers liability coverage provided by a non-ACE policy, subject to a minimum insurer financial rating on A-VI by A.M. Best
    • Catastrophe Management Coverage Extension
  • Follow form time element pollution coverage available
    • Schedule of underlying insurance can include employers liability coverage provided by a non-ACE policy, subject to minimum insurer financial rating on A-VI by A.M. Best
    • Catastrophe Management Coverage Extension
  • Primary All Risk Property Coverage
  • Builders Risk
  • Contractors Equipment
  • Pollution Liability
  • Premises Pollution Liability
  • Property / Machinery Breakdown / Inland Marine
  • Workers Compensation - Statutory

Target Clients

Power Generation and Utility Operators

  • Wind
    • Environmental/Engineering Services
    • Maintenance/Service Contractors
    • Owners/Operators
    • Project Developers
    • Project Builders Risk
  • Solar
    • Commercial and Utility Scale Solar Thermal Installations
    • Concentrated Solar Power; Power Towers, Dish Systems, P.V.
    • Systems
    • Installation Contractors
    • Solar Fabricators
    • Solar Developers & Integrators
  • Independent Power Producers
    • Biomass Utilization
    • Gasification Plants
    • Hydroelectric Generation
    • Thermal Generation
    • Waste to Energy

Biofuel Plants

  • Ethanol or Biodiesel Plants
  • Landfill Gas Recovery
  • Anaerobic Digestion Gas Recovery
  • Refuse Derived Fuels
  • Coal Bed Methane
  • Algae

Component Part OEM (original equipment manufacturer)

  • Emerging & Evolving Renewable Energy Technology Manufacturers
  • Photovoltaic Panel Manufacturers
  • Solar Panel Manufacturers
  • Wind Turbine Parts Manufacturers

Restricted Industries

  • Property with petrochemical, oil or high hazard chemicals exposures
  • Property with LNG processing and distribution exposures
  • Primary commercial automobile and property coverage written only in conjunction with primary general liability policies
  • Lead umbrella coverage is written only on supported basis above ACE
  • Renewable Energy primary policies. Mono-line coverage may be available via ACE Umbrella/Excess Liability Energy product
  • Workers Compensation is not available for power risks with
  • Transmissions and Distributions Line exposure, Wind Farm maintenance contractors, or Jones Exposures