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Social Engineering Fraud Insurance

How can you prevent social engineering attacks? Read the whitepaper.

Even companies that conduct strict background screenings, employ fraud detection systems and implement strict internal controls can be vulnerable to losses if a well-meaning employee is duped by a criminal posing as a supplier, new client or fellow employee. Get the protection you need from Chubb, a leading provider of crime/fidelity insurance.


Social Engineering Fraud Insurance Coverage Highlights

  • Provides added protection when strong controls still fall short
  • Available as an endorsement to the Crime Insurance policy
  • Insures a range of social engineering fraud losses, including:
    • Vendor or supplier impersonation
    • Executive impersonation
    • Client impersonation
  • Full carve back to the voluntary parting exclusion
  • Broad all-risk language wherein loss does not have to occur through use of computer, email or phone
  • Streamlined supplemental application
  • No requirement for vendors and suppliers to carry crime or fidelity insurance to trigger coverage
  • Coverage is available up to $250,000 per occurrence, with no annual aggregate, though higher limits can be considered with additional underwriting.

Your employee is tricked into turning over millions of dollars. Are you covered?

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